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Executive Resumes
Cover Letters
Executive Bios
LinkedIn Profiles
Web Portfolios
Career Search Strategies
Social Media
If you're a successful executive or top professional who wants to differentiate yourself
with a strong, compelling Executive Resume and Personal Brand call Linda Lupatkin
now at 800-546-1543 or email your resume for a free evaluation and consultation.

Cover Letters
Cover Letters

Savvy professionals know the importance of consistency in branding. Not only is this true of products you are selling, it also holds true when you are marketing yourself. Having a compelling and consistent message flow through your Executive Resume, LinkedIn, Executive Bio, Web Portfolio and Cover Letters is key to a memorable personal brand.

Cover Letters

In this digital age, email is the primary mode of communication, for this reason we design our cover letters to be used as emails, persuasively and succinctly presenting your personal brand. They are also crafted for ease and convenience, strategically targeting the different audiences you frequently approach when seeking a new position.

Our comprehensive letter package contains letters for recruiters, for networking, for approaching venture capitalists, and for post-interview follow up, among others. Like our other marketing materials, our cover letters are an essential tool in your overall personal branding strategy.